ELAP – Embodied life art program

A new dance program

by Iris van Peppen & Marisa Grande

The Embodied Life Art program is a pioneering somatic dance program offering experiential practice for the integration of knowledge through improvisation.

The program:

  • consists out of 7 modules of 40 hours each (5 full days from Thursday to Monday) starting on March 18, 2021 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  • Offers experiential learning for the integration of knowledge through embodiment and composition;
  • Combines the somatic practice with artistic practice and a performative context

Composition in real-time reveals strategies and patterns. Besides, it offers the opportunity to experience how to navigate within our environment.

The program supports a process of integration by looking at one’s growth and stimulates the dialogue between art and life.


ELAP group 2 ended its trajectory in June 2023, a very inspiring and deep journey for all of us involved!

If you are interested in the Program please contact us http://www.elap.nl

                                 For an Introduction Workshop or another opportunity to meet us in the work to understand the structure and purpose of the program.

Studio 3 Weg naar Rhijnauwen 3 Utrecht -Netherlands

Initiators and Teachers: Marisa Grande and Iris van Peppen