Artistic Practice & Performance with live Music

by Marisa Grande & Iris van Peppen & Live Music by Hugo Ariëns

This Summer Intensive is aimed for advanced performers interested in transdisciplinary instant composition. 

In this intensive, the focus is on stepping into artistic research guided by the interest and experience of both Marisa Grande and Iris van Peppen as makers. The artistic research is sourced from a somatic practice and for this week the focus will be on the endocrine system in relation to imagination. Together with the live music of Hugo Ariens who will establish a variety of landscapes with his prepared guitar, we will create images of poetry and work towards a studio performance for our own invited audience. 

The endocrine glands are the major chemical governing system of the body and are closely related to the nervous system, their secretions pass directly into the bloodstream.

In the context of a somatic and instant composition practice, tapping into the glands means working with the energetic body so that it can communicate with all the other systems for a fuller embodiment of imagination. 

Monday – Thursday: 18.45 – 22.00 / Friday: 13.00 – 21.30 / Studio Performance Friday: 20.30

Before July 30 €240 / After €270 / Young Professionals €170


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