dance & yoga somatic integration
1-7 July 2017 Karuna Center Monchique Alagrve, Portugal
This workshop is an opportunity to immerse yourself into a movement experience, within a natural supportive environment.
The combination of yin yoga and somatic dance, provides a powerful training to dive deep and discover new connections and pathways in our body-mind.
Yin Yoga addresses the deep tissue through the relaxation of the muscle system, generating an intense and deep physical experience, while directing our minds into a state of observation.
It works as a wonderful preparation to enter the kinaesthetic experience of exploration and dance improvisation.
Attention will be given on somatic integration, a way of learning and knowing through movement, with a special focus on touch, hands-on and partnering work.
The somatic dance invites and guides you into a deeper connection with your bodily experience by moving with sensitivity and imagination.
The workshop is directed to everyone with a genuine interest to develop in the field of dance and movement and open to an individual as well as group process.
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